Sunday, February 24, 2008


     Well,  I know I'm a slow one to become enlightened . . . but I've just come to a new opinion on Capital Punishment - I am now formally against it.   What did that - well, we saw a Miss Marple mystery on tv & the murderer was hanged at the gallows - well, we wondered about, we didn't think there was capital punishment in Britain - well there was a lot of it - grusome - but it ended awhile back - I think in the 1950's - & then it listed the executions for 2007 - about 350 wordwide & this wasn't news but I guess seeing it right there on the screen and reading about it a little made it a little more clear to me how barbaric the practice is - true sometimes the people being punished were also barbaric - but if we want to be more civilized as a whole, we need to be more civilized as a government.
       Also, my daily pic for president has changed - today's pic is Hillary Clinton - why?  I heard a speech by Bill Clinton on the radio on the way home from the yoga conference - Well, it sounded a lot better coming from Bill - no one likes to hear someone blow their own horn - but Bill told of all the good things Hillary has done & all the good plans she has - taking care of our soldiers, regardless of if the war was a good idea, medical care for people, and he explained the situation in Iraq in a way that made sense to me.   He said the situation in Iraq comes down to making a couple difficult decisions - how to share the oil & how to share the power.  He said as long as we're there, they will put off making those decisions.  He said if there was a fire next door & our neighbor needed a place to stay most of us would let them sleep in our guest bedroom & if we didn't have a guest bedroom we'd let them stay on our couch for a month or maybe 6 months - but after 5 years, the situation would probably no longer be about the fire.  He said that is our current situation in Iraq.  Also, he did say that Hillary would continue to fight terrorism, but that the place would be Afghanistan where they still are - not in Iraq.   That made sense to me.