Well, another physical happening to blog about. I was tagging along behind my husbands class - Hiking (Physical Education) - walking at the end with my dog, P.J. And a bee or something (I didn't see it - maybe a wasp or yellowjacket) got caught in my visor - there was a buzz buzz buzz sting.. on my lower forehead between my eyes. Darn. It had been raining lightly but was letting up. My head really stung. I knew B. had a 1st aid kit so when we stopped for a break I could get some Benadryl or other antihistamine. My hands started itching & my feet. I'd had a light breakfast - a bowl of applesauce because B was on a cleanse that day for his colonoscopy appointment, which was today. So I think the bee toxin got into my system fairly quickly. B. hadn't taken the supercleanse stuff yet but was restricted to fluids in the am.
Well finally they stopped & today's lecture was on rain gear & clothing to wear in general. I interrupted for a benadryl & P.J. and I stood by him during his lecture because otherwise P.J. just whines - wants to be with him all the time. I felt ringing in my ears like I might faint & went and sat down on a log. After the lecture I said I think I needed to have another benadryl, my forehead was swelling. He gave me one and asked for a volunteer to escort me back to the cars. One guy volunteered & walked with P.J. and me back to the parking lot. He seemed to be fairly mature and it was good to have someone to talk to. I felt better while I was walking but my ears felt like they were swelling up and then my ring fingers and wrist were swelling & I took off my watch & my legs were itching and my scalp was itching & I had big blotches on my arms.
We called my Doctor when I got to the parking lot - I felt better if I was walking than standing still. They told me to get a ride to a hospital or call 911. Hmm, what to do... Before long B. came down the path from the other direction with his band of 16 or 17 college students tailking behind. He made the executive decision that I'd get in the van & we left my car there. (Since I'm not actually a member of the class I'm not actually permitted to ride in the van). He dropped my at the University Health Services & then took the students back to where they belong - some rode in the van & some drove. My nose was stopped up but although I could feel a little reaction in my throat my throat & lungs and ability to breath was not impaired. They gave me a bunch of steroids & some other medicine to take when I'm in the outdoors (Allegra) that will make any sting I might get in the future be milder. T hey said the benadryl probably helped a lot.
Anyhow, to make a short story long. . . I officially have an allergy to bee sting. I have been stung before but this reaction is beyond anything I've experienced in the past. B. thought he'd get out of his colonoscopy but we got home in time for him to take the "phosphosoda". And we proceeded with those plans as usual. Yesterday I napped and slept off the benadryl & today he is up there napping sleeping off the triple drug combo they give him for the procedure.
He had a very small polyp so will have to do the procedure again in 5 years - I get to wait 10 years. But I get to carry an epi-pen around with me whereever I go. This sting reaction was moderate to severe but they can get worse over time. So which is worse? Both little reminders of our mortality. Love to all, Yak